NSC: One Year On
Image courtesy of @elishaterada via Unsplash.
It’s our anniversary!
Dean and I can’t believe that it’s been a whole year since we started NSC -- it’s flown by!
From our first article a year ago, we’ve written over 100 blog articles: guides for business owners, deep dives into complex topics on marketing, branding and design, weekly round-ups of nudenotes, and insights into creative minds.
We’ve been tweaking NSC along the way, trying to find what works for us, and what works for you -- we’re all in this together, after all.
Some of you might have noticed that we recently redesigned our website, so you can more easily find the information you need, without compromising on our brand look.
Now, you can see all of our content across three categories: branding and marketing, business of design, and, of course, nudenotes.
If you’re new to NSC, or don’t know what nudenotes are, they’re a raw, unedited way to get information written down, so you can retain knowledge more effectively -- read more on nudenotes here.
For the past year, we’ve been writing these articles to help you to grow -- but we want to go even further for this next year.
We want to reach out to you, our creative community, even more, so get ready for even more from NSC!
We’re here for you: entrepreneurs, business owners, startups, freelancers, creatives -- marketers, designers, illustrators, artists, Etsy sellers, photographers, bloggers, branding professionals… everyone throughout the galaxy willing to learn more about marketing, branding, business, design, and professional development.
We’ve got lots in the pipeline for the next year, so stay tuned for more on how you can achieve interstellar success.
Don’t get left in the dark...