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#booknotes : 101 Things I Learned in Business School

Reading time: 2 mins

Based on the book ‘101 Things I Learned in Business School’ by Michael W. Pries with Matthew Frederick.

Another recommendation from The Futur, I read this book because there was a gap in my knowledge about the business side of design.

One of my motivators is ABL (Always Be Learning) - if there’s something I don’t know, I’ll try to learn about it.

I enjoyed the concise, bite-sized layout of information - particularly useful when I didn’t know much about the particular subject.

It’s an excellent read for anyone looking to brush-up on their business knowledge.

I made a lot of nudenotes on this book - 16 pages’ worth - and there’s lots more that I wasn’t able to cover, so it’s well-worth a read to those who want to find out more.

See this gallery in the original post