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7 Ways to Reduce Fear of Failure

Inspired by an infographic created by

Do you struggle with fear of failure?

It's often not the failure that you fear - it's the fear of all the potential outcomes.
Failure isn't a negative thing, it's actually a neutral thing.

It's all in how you perceive and then react to it.

Thanks to these nudenotes we now have 7 ways you can react to failure in a more positive way.

For those who struggle to read my nudenotes here's the complete list:

1 - No shame Policy!
Failure shouldn't be followed by laughter or ridicule.

2 - Address the Problem.
Always go back to what can be done to make the situation better?

3 - Learn from your Mistakes.
Madness is repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results, adapt and overcome!

4 - Don't Bottle it up.
Talk... your Boss, Peers, anyone, get it out.

5 - Question your Fears.
Be rational, is your perceived outcome realistic.

6 - Focus on what you can control.
Focus on things you can have an effect on.

7 - Embrace the Grey.
Nothing is black and white, everything is a learning experience.

Remember... FAIL is just:

(shout out to @thechrisdo for that little gold nugget - I think about it at least once a week)

Want to turn your favourite infographics into nudenotes?
Check out my blog, which outlines my easy 4-step process to get the best results.