Night Sky Creative

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10 Smart Market Diagnosis Questions

Inspired by an Instagram post created @eddiebiroun.

How do you get into the mind of your customer?

It's a tricky thing to do - it takes time and practice, but with a good framework you can untangle that tricky knot.

One such framework is Dan Kennedy’s '10 Smart Market Diagnosis & Profiling Questions’, which I came across whilst scrolling through my IG feed.

The goal of this framework is to get you closer to your consumers - help you deliver better packaging, communications, marketing and products that really resonate with them as individuals.

The closer you are to your consumers, the longer you can wear their shoes, the better off your brand and business will be.

Remember, you're creating products and services for them, not yourself. You're an audience of one person, that's not enough to keep you in business, is it. Hahaa.

What tricks or tips do you use to get into your customers minds?

I like to link my customers to a celebrity personality (real or fictional) - their personalities although larger than life create an easily identifiable marker.

It might be extreme, but it's a good place to start.