Night Sky Creative

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20 Cognitive Biases That Screw Up Your Decisions

Inspired by an infographic created by Business Insider.

Do your biases screw up your decision making?

Would you even spot it if they did? I know, I don't - I have already made several nudenotes already on Cognitive Biases, the more I dive into this topic, the more intriguing and useful I find them.

I'm not one to normally someone who naturally thinks about these kind of things. However, from a Designers perspective, the more I read about them, the more I feel understanding these cognitive biases and how to deal with or overcome them, is crucial to good design and a smooth creative process.

If your a human being I am sure you have dealt with, been a victim of or even been a part of one of these biases - I know I defiantly have!

Let me know in the comments below which cognitive biases you most suffer from, or have suffered from.

p.s. Did anyone spot the Salience Bias I've snuck into the title? 'S-c-r-w-e' all the letters of Screw just one letter out of place, all the recognisable parts, but still incorrect. Don't under estimate cognitive biases.