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5 Core Beliefs of Incredibly Successful People

Inspired by a LinkedIn article created by Jeff Haden.

Looking for more success?

Let's dive straight in:

"I may not be the first, but I can always be the last."
Success = Perseverance. There's always someone smarter, better connected, more talented or has more money. You can't win if you're not at the finish line.

Success is inevitable only in hindsight.
It's easy to look at someone’s path to greatness and assume it was easy. It wasn't. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Strategy is important, but execution is everything.
Want success? Focus on executing VERY, VERY well.

I will do one thing every day no one else is willing to do.
After a week, you'll be uncommon.
After a month, you'll be special.
After a year, you'll be incredible.

(possibly the most important.)
I am not self-serving. I am a servant!
Not one accomplishes anything worthwhile on his own.

Let me know your favourite success tip in the comments below!