Night Sky Creative

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7 Ways to Boost Resilience at Work

Inspired by a blog article by

Dealing with increasing stressful workplace?

For those who struggle to read my nudenotes here's the complete list:

1. Be Authentic: Know your values, develop your strengths and emotional IQ.
2. Find Your Calling: Do work that really matters to you.
3. Keep Perspective: Learn from mistakes, focus on solutions, balance out the negatives.
4. Manage Stress: Find your balance, assign time to relax.
5. Collaborate: Seek feedback & advice, as well as supporting others.
6. Stay Healthy: Do physical activity and have a balanced diet.
7. Build Networks: Use your social network to grow inside and outside work.

What tips and techniques do you have for stress at work?
(Apart from an extra large alcoholic drink and a Netflix binge!)

Let me know in the comments below.