Night Sky Creative

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Creative Thinking

Inspired by an infographic created by

Are you a divergent or convergent thinker?
Or maybe you're both?

You're going to need both to create great design...
Or do you? No - it's not a riddle. hahaaa.

The longer I'm in the design world, the more I appreciate and seek out divergent thinking.
To focus, align, clarify, parameters and connections.

I feel it eliminates a majority of the faffing, time-wasting and design dead ends in my work.
If only I had learnt this lesson 10 years ago!

What career lesson do you wish you'd known earlier?
Let me know in the comments below.

Yes - I know there is a mistake in here on the arrows. Divergent thinking is only supposed to point upwards.

Note to self: don't watch Peaky Blinders whilst making notes - damn you Thomas Shelby!!

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