Night Sky Creative

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Dr. King's 6 Steps to Non-Violent Social Change

Inspired by an infographic, created by @amypoehlersmartgirls which I came across on Pinterest.

What are you learning about this weekend?

This morning I have learning about:
Dr. King's 6 Steps to Non-violent Social Change.

@thekingcenter gave me a little more context on where these principles came from:

"...based on Dr. King’s non-violent campaigns and teachings that emphasize love in action. Dr. King’s philosophy of non-violence, as reviewed in the Six Principles of Non-violence, guide these steps for social and interpersonal change"

His words seem just as relevant now as they did when they were first written.

Step 1: Educate Yourself.
Step 2: Educate Others.
Step 3: Commit.
Step 4: Negotiate.
Step 5: Take Direct Action
Step 6: Reconcile.

What are you learning about this weekend?

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