Night Sky Creative

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Peer Feedback Model

Inspired by a random Pinterest post I came across created by @mtdtraining.

How do you structure feedback?

So you know what you want to say - but how do you actually put it out there?
Having the feedback to give is one thing, but giving it, that's another!

How do you start the conversation? How do you finish it? When do you say what?
And more importantly, how do you ensure a positive outcome for everyone involved?

It'll help you structure and prepare the feedback, and it breaks down like this:

P - Permission:
Get them on board - make sure the person receiving the feedback is open to it. This initial buy in is crucial to ensure their eyes and ears are open to new ideas and possibilities.

E - Explain:
Outline the behaviour or work observed - positive and negative. Be specific, frame the details by thinking about these 3 guides: Be Specific, Be Factual and Be Honest.

E - Effect:
Give an overview of the outcome of the current actions/work and how that will affect others or the work.

R - Result:
Describe what changes you'd like to see from the feedback given.

I hope this framework helps you to reframe the way you give feedback. By bringing the recipient along the journey of your thinking and feedback. You'll find the outcome to be a more positive one for all involved.

What's your favourite feedback tip or trick?
Let me know in the comments below.