Night Sky Creative

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Spend Your Time Better on IG

Inspired by an Instagram post created by @ebmuniz, which I came across on @davetalas IG feed.

How do you spend your time on Instagram?
Is the time spent scrolling productive - probably not.

I have spent many hours falling down the Instagram rabbit hole.

But no more…

Time spent on Instagram doesn't have to be time wasted, passively scrolling through page after pages of images.

It's time we figure out how to better use this platform - be active, not passive.
Learning new things and connecting with people.

These notes have helped me change the way I think about time spent on Instagram. I have massively scaled back my time falling down the rabbit hole.

I hope these notes help you do the same.

Let me know what is your Instagram weakness - apart from cat videos... obviously?

Want to see how I created these notes?
Here’s my process video: